A dual-band SiGe HBT frequency-tunable and phase-shifting differential amplifier has been developed for the future active phased\r\narray antennas with a multiband, multibeam, and multitarget tracking operation. The amplifier uses varactor-loaded, stacked\r\nLC resonators in the design of the output circuit in order to provide frequency-tunable and phase-shifting capabilities for dual\r\nfrequencies. By utilizing the varactor-loaded LC resonator, which has a variable resonant frequency and a large insertion phase\r\nvariation, frequency-tunable and phase-shifting performances become available. Moreover, by using the stacked configuration,\r\nthe frequency and insertion phase can be varied independently for dual frequencies. A dual-band SiGe HBT differential amplifier\r\nhas achieved a lower-frequency tuning range of 0.56 to 0.7 GHz for a higher fixed frequency of 0.97 GHz as well as a higherfrequency\r\ntuning range of 0.92 to 1.01 GHz for a lower fixed frequency of 0.63 GHz. A lower-frequency phase variation of 99? and\r\na higher-frequency phase variation of 90.3? have been accomplished at 0.63 and 0.97 GHz, respectively. This is the first report on\r\nthe dual-band differential amplifier with frequency-tunable and phase-shifting capabilities.